We understand that navigating a new API can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you're just starting your free trial or are already a valued client, this FAQ is designed to address your most common questions and ensure a seamless experience.
Here, you’ll find answers to questions about setting up your API integration, managing data requests, troubleshooting common issues, and understanding subscription and usage policies. Our goal is to provide you with all the information you need to make the most out of the OpticOdds API, empowering you to access real-time data for various leagues across basketball, football, baseball, tennis, soccer, and more.
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, our support team is always ready to assist you. Let’s get started!
What is the request limit around the API?
Pull-based endpoints support up to 6,000 requests per minute. Stream endpoints support up to 250 streams per minute.
Does OpticOdds provide a webhook or WebSocket to notify us of odds changes for a specific fixture?
We do not offer webhooks or WebSockets. However, we provide a Server-Sent Events (SSE) streaming endpoint that you can subscribe to for real-time odds updates. For more information, refer to our documentation: Stream Odds Endpoint.
How can I find out which markets OpticOdds supports?
You can use the /markets endpoint to retrieve a list of all markets that are or have been supported by OpticOdds. If you're looking for markets that are currently active, the /markets/active endpoint will provide that information. However, it won't list inactive markets; it only displays the markets currently available for the specified fixtures and sportsbooks.
How can I contact the support team if I encounter an issue while pulling odds?
If you experience any issues while pulling odds, the best way to resolve them in real-time is by contacting our support team.
Google Form: Please fill out this form and a member of our team will reach out ASAP.
API Documentation: Check for troubleshooting tips and updates.
What’s the difference between GET /fixtures and GET /fixtures/active?
GET /fixtures returns all available fixtures, regardless of whether odds have been associated with them.
GET /fixtures/active only includes fixtures that have ever had odds associated with them, even if no odds are currently available.
Fixtures listed in /fixtures but not in /fixtures/active may still have odds added in the future. For example, NBA odds are often only posted a couple of days before a game.
How can I stay informed about API outages or service disruptions?
You can monitor the status of our API by visiting the Status page, located at the bottom of OpticOdds.com. This page provides real-time updates on any outages or service issues.
Which markets are supported by the Bet Grading endpoint?
You can find the entire list of markets that are compatible with the bet grading endpoint via this link
How many sports books can I retrieve odds from in a single request?
Each request can retrieve data from up to 5 sports books simultaneously. To access data from additional sportsbooks, we recommend making parallel requests.
Do you provide limit and liquidity information?
Yes, this information is available for certain sportsbooks and can be accessed through the /fixtures/odds endpoint.
What timestamp format is the data provided in?
All timestamps are in ISO 8601 format. The timezone may be UTC (±0) or UTC-5, but since ISO 8601 is a standardized format, it ensures consistency across all data points.
Updated 17 days ago