Describes common issues that users experience.

Multiple Parameters

You can pass multiple parameters like this: &sportsbook=DraftKings&sportsbook=Fanduel

URL encoding

Please make sure that query parameters are URL encoded, for instance if there are query parameters with a + in the url, sometimes this will not return results as expected, you will need to replace + with %2B.


Making an odds request for the market Player Passing + Rushing Yards

BAD REQUEST : &market=Player Passing + Rushing Yards

GOOD REQUEST : &market=Player%20Passing%20%2B%20Rushing%20Yards


Most of our endpoints return data in the form, you can use this to see what page of data you are on and how many pages are at the end.

  "data": ...,
  "page": 1,
  "total_pages": 7